When it comes to storing and taking care of the stamps one collects, it is always important to remember that they are just like other valuable paper-related products. They must be handled with care---and stored under conditions that will not cause any deterioration. For instance, the U.S. Library of Congress is full of books, old documents, newspapers, etc. that were, over the years, handled and stored improperly. Many of these paper items are turning brittle, discoloring, and may not be handled even by the most careful person. Thus it's absolutely vital that every stamp you collect be taken care of very carefully. Those of us who collect stamps today are merely "custodians" of material that collectors decades from now will also want to collect. So whether you re maintaining a collection of early stamps (and covers, too) from the 19th century or purchasing some of the newest issues, the same careful consideration should be given to all of them.
No matter what method you use to store stamps - whether in glassine envelopes or some kind of album of stockbook - always keep them in a dry, cool area (from 55 to never more than 75 degrees fahrenheit) completely away from direct light, most especially sunshine. It's okay, of course, to work with and study your stamps under a good light, but never allow them to remain under the same light for more than ten or 20 minutes. Light is one of the chief enemies of stamps and covers. Almost all philatelic material will fade over time if left exposed to any kind of light.