[COMENIUS Johann Amos] J.A. Comenii JANUA LINGUARUM reserata, cum Graeca versione THEODORI SIMONII Holsati, innumeris in locis emendata à STEPHANO CURCELLAEO. Amstelodami, Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1649. In 12mo, p. [24],266,238 (Index). Trilingual edition (French, Latin, Greek) of the main work of Comenius (1592-1671), famous German pedagogue and inventor of a new method of teaching languages, which consisted of learning languages, no longer word by word, but by sentences. Composed of a thousand sentences in which the same word is never repeated, the work had as its primary goal the study of the Latin language which Comenius claimed to make the universal language. The book appeared for the first time in Lesna (1631) and by the 1630s, it was the second most read book in Europe, second only to the Bible. There were a large number of editions in different cities of Europe, which differ between them in the number and type of idioms they contain. This edition benefited from the cooperation of the French Protestant scholar Amiens Etienne de Courcelles (1586-1659). Hardcover (carton) bound, with handwritten title label on spine, mainly edge rubbed ann bumped. Ex Libris sticker inside, red edge pages, clean and tight overall. Good condition.