[Alexander the Great / Napoleon / B. Thorvaldsen,] Lücke, Hermann, “Der Einzug Alexander des Grossen in Babylon. Marmorfries von B. Thorwaldsen. Nach Zeichnungen von F. Overbeck, in Kupfer gestochen von S. Amsler”, Leipzig, Alphons Dürr., 1870. Folio, frontispiece, pp. 15, [1] and 21 full-page copper engravings. This edition presents the monumental frieze designed by the Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen in 1812 and presents the Alexander the Great’s Triumphal Entry into Babylon. The original 35 meter long relief frieze was executed by B. Thorvaldsen for the papal Palazzo del Quirinale in Rome on the occasion of the Emperor Napoleon’s planned visit to the city, chosen as an ancient parallel to Napoleon’s arrival in Rome. Original engraved boards. External wear along edges and corners and soiling, internal spotting.